In this post we will be related to days and month of Date.
In below sample of code you to get example for following point:
1. Start date of the month.
2. End date of the month.
3. Total number of days in the month.
4. Remaining number of days in the month.
static void days_Example(Args _args)
int FromDays, ToDays;
info(strFmt("Today date is %1", today()));
// Displays start date of the month for the given date.
info(strFmt("Start date is %1 for the month of %2", date2str(DateStartMth(Today()),213,2,4,2,4,4), mthName(mthOfYr(today()))));
// Displays end date of the month for the given date.
info(strFmt("End date is %1 for the month of %2", date2str(endmth(Today()),213,2,4,2,4,4), mthName(mthOfYr(today()))));
// Displays total number of days in the month for the given date
FromDays = date2num(DateStartMth(today()));
todays = date2num(endmth(today()));
info(strFmt("There are total %1 days in month %2", (ToDays+1) - FromDays, mthName(mthOfYr(today()))));
// Displays remaining number of days in the month for the given date
FromDays = date2num(DateStartMth(today()));
todays = date2num(today());
info(strFmt("%1 days are remaining in the month of %2", (ToDays+1) - FromDays, mthName(mthOfYr(today()))));
Thank you,
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